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After years without writing on the blog, I have decided to return, and with a new version of Hugo that brings many improvements compared to the previous version of the blog, and as you can see I started to write in two languages, in Spanish (my mother language) and English, as an exercise to improve and learn more in this language.

Is possible that you see a lot of mistakes and bad structured posts, this is because I decided to write first in English, to force myself to think in English and then translate to Spanish. The idea is to avoid the use of tools to translate or even AI to do the translations from Spanish to English because the goal of this blog is the same. Learn.

The improvements of the new version of Hugo and this blog are:

  • Search: Finally we have themes with a search engine based on JS, and it works fine.
  • Multi-language: As you can see in this version I can write in multiple languages.
  • Category and tags links: Now we can browse between tags and categories through links on the side panel
  • Dark mode: Doesn’t work fine but is a great step. The only problem is that when you navigate inside the blog in dark mode you can see a white blink while the page is loading. I think that is something related with Cloudflare.

And that’s all. I hope to write here about the things that I am learning, such as Golang, more advanced Python and back to Emacs after years of using IDEs.